YouTube is Soon Going to Add Filters For Recommendations

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YouTube has always made it easier for its users to watch videos online. The Google’s YouTube has now took a new step to make it more convenient for users. As per the reports, it is working on bringing the filters for the videos you get as recommendations after a video ends. These filters would let you choose the videos you want to see after your video ends. This would thus not show any unnecessary video recommendation, instead would give you your preferred videos suggestions.

The Android police has reported that the YouTube is testing it on served side. The filters are currently available in its beta version only. Other users are not able to use this feature now. The filters are located as bubbles just below the videos. As per the reports, bubbles are ‘ recommended for you’, ‘suggestions’ and related. The more specific filters are also available in some cases, like tag and developer. These bubbles would help the users to sort out the videos suggestions a user gets after each video. This would also enhance the users experience as they would get what they want to get.

Currently, when a user plays a video, they get recommended videos at the end screen. These videos are shown on the basis of users choice. Some times even the next video gets auto play which is quite disturbing for the users. This new filter feature will surely give relief in this matter to users.


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