According to Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith,” Unless we act, we risk waking up five years from now to find that facial recognition services have spread in ways that exacerbate societal issues. By that time, these challenges will be much more difficult to bottle back up.”
Microsoft Corporation is afraid to harm a consumer on an emotional level by insinuating on the fundamental rights which might lead to hindrance or ramifications to the same consumer’s privacy and freedom of space in the world. Therefore, they asked for governance AI recognition software so that no accusation of bias can crop up in near future.
Brad Smith has demanded for laws which would urge the product sellers to explain what they are selling so that the facts can be corroborated later on. And, he has done it the right way considering there has been uproar of review, scrutiny and examination regarding the usage of AI face recognition software by law enforcement officers, border security officers, military officers etc.
To not quote-unquote Microsoft Corporations’ thoughts for this action, it can be said that there might be an encroachment on or obtrusion into personal freedom that is headed by democracy/democratic rights because of this software. Smith has already started this discussion with State and Federal legislators which indicates and roughly translates that the matter is being taken quite seriously, thereby, making it very important to realize that soon enough, this form of technology will be used in public areas to keep the customers and passersby conspicuously aware of their actions, surrounding and likewise.
Sabotaging democratic rights isn’t a wise action; hence, precautions have to be taken. To this, Smith stated, “We must ensure that the year 2024 doesn’t look like a page from the novel 1984.”