Microsoft Removed Another Update from Windows 10

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The new update of Windows 10 is nothing but gloomy and full of distress. According to reliable sources, it has come to our notice the latest system update KB4467682 has been brought to a sudden, abrupt halt because the PCs have been crashing, freezing and been displaying the notoriously famous ‘Blue Screen of Death’. It is a fatal stop error which conveys the very saddening and harsh truth that the operating system has reached a point where it can no longer function safely.

Though when this news arrived, it was seen that the pristinely recent update had a devastating impact only on Microsoft’s own hardware, that is, Surface Book 2 but it is not the case. Microsoft had to bring Windows 10’s update to a standstill because the effect is over-extensive and rampant and the root of the problem is yet to be found out.

This was not a mandatory update. But, those who chose to get it for all the presumptuously right reasons or benefits got a black screen which displayed the following message, “System thread exception not handled.”

Coming to the conclusion of this whole technological error and fiasco, it can be said that there are certain problems which have reappeared periodically or repeatedly. After the cardinal problem in the Windows 10 October 2018 update, this led Microsoft to fall apart because these constant woes don’t look good on their part.

Microsoft has officially announced that fixes will be available by December and has requested all those who suffered great dismay to display a tinge of patience. If you are one of those people, then, wait for a new update.


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