Google Assistant To Read News For Its Users

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Soon you can ask your Google Assistant to recite day-to-day news with it’s new features rolling in. Google is said to have partnered with some of the top news organizations and publishers to create custom, curated news which people can their Google Assistant to read to them by using voice commands.

Google has been working with news giants like CNBC, Hollywood Reporter, Washington Post, and the South China Morning Post to build a prototype that combines Artificial Intelligence of Google News with voice context of Google Assistant.

Google released a statement saying that this will be a whole new experience with an in-the-moment curated playlist where you can ask your assistant to read news, even pause the current one, skip to go to the next news piece or go back if you want to read the previous one. It will start with a read of the top news pieces or bulletin and then go deeper into the news as required by the user with updates on the topics you care about.

This prototype is open for any news organization that would like to participate in google’s initiative. Google generally accumulates its news from newscasts or bulletin and organizes as single topic stories to contribute to news feed. At first it is expected to be rolled out for chosen audience in the US and then would be for more people all over the world. Publishers around the world can also take part in this initiative with their English news contribution. Google News Initiative has provided funding to a number of news channels to help out with audio recording and form a news bulletin.


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