Google introduces AI for Diabetic Retinopathy

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Google has made artificial intelligence for diabetic retinopathy. This would help in detecting the diabetic retinopathy at accurate levels says the company.

As per the SVP of global affairs at Google, Kent Walker’s blog post, The company is working to bring this development to Indian clinics soon. On this idea, Google is working with Verely, which is an Alphabet owned company. It works on the life science and research.  

In the world about 400 million people are suffering from diabetes. About one third of them have diabetic retinopathy disease. This disease is situation where diabetic people get permanent blindness. This blindness can be prevented, but most of the time it does not get detected earlier and for this reason people suffer from permanent blindness.

As per the Walker “Using the new assistive technology, doctors and staff can screen more patients in less time, sparing people from blindness through a more timely diagnosis.”

This experiment was started by Google few years back in collaboration with the Indian specialists and US doctors. They developed such an AI system which would detect the disease by analysing the back of the human eye.

Walker added “the results were promising. We should work to make the benefits of AI available for everyone”.

As per the blog post, Before this, Google has developed and implemented AI projects for engineering and research programmes in Asia Pacific. It got the positive results too. It helped India in forecasting floods, stopping illegal fishing in Indonesia, and conserving native bird species in New Zealand.


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