Google Finally Shut downs this service

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The Tech giant has recently made many major changes in its services. One of them was to shut down the Google’s URL shortner service. The shut down of the service was announced in the last year. However, Google has killed the service now on 30 March finally. The URL shortner service was useful for the users as they were able to shorten the long URLs. This way it used to make it convenient for the users to share or use the URLs anywhere. Google decided to shut down it because the users were decreasing rapidly. For new users the service was unavailable from May 2018. Now for all users the service wouldn’t be available.  After shutting it down, Google requested the users to switch to any of its alternatives like or Bitly.

Google has also shut down its inbox app recently. The email app inbox will get shut down by 2 April confirmed by Google. Before shutting it down, Google has informed the users about the shut down. With it, Google has also told the users to use some other shortcuts it had mentioned to open the Gmail inbox. The company also had announced with the message that soon it will add some features to the Gmail of the inbox.

The company has also shut down Google Allo and Google+ this year. It claimed that these shut downs are part of its spring clean up process.


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